Notre enquête. Ces cannabis surpuissants qui échappent aujourd'hui à la loi

Cannabis consumption and the legal status of cannabis vary across Asia. It’s important to note that cannabis laws are subject to change, and this information is accurate as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021. However, it’s advisable to research and stay updated on the specific laws of the country you are in or planning to visit, as they may have changed since then with

In general, cannabis consumption and possession are illegal in most Asian countries. Some countries in Asia have strict drug laws and impose severe penalties for cannabis-related offenses, including possession, cultivation, and trafficking. These penalties can range from fines to lengthy prison sentences and, in some cases, even the death penalty.

Cannabis consuming in Asia

Here are a few examples of cannabis laws and attitudes toward consumption in select Asian countries:

A Closer Look at Cannabis - Student Wellness Centre
  1. Japan: Cannabis is strictly prohibited in Japan, and possession, cultivation, and distribution are illegal. The country has a zero-tolerance policy towards drugs, including cannabis.
  2. South Korea: Cannabis is illegal in South Korea, and possession, use, and distribution are considered criminal offenses. The country has strict drug laws, and penalties can be severe.
  3. China: Cannabis is illegal in China, and possession, cultivation, and distribution are strictly prohibited. The country has strict drug laws, and penalties for cannabis-related offenses can be severe, including long prison sentences and even the death penalty in certain circumstances.
  4. Thailand: In Thailand, cannabis laws have undergone significant changes in recent years. While recreational cannabis remains illegal, the country has implemented medical cannabis programs, allowing limited access to medical marijuana under certain conditions.
  5. Israel: While not in Asia geographically, Israel is often considered a hub for cannabis research and innovation. The country has a well-established medical cannabis program and is known for its advancements in cannabis research and technology.

It’s important to remember that this is not an exhaustive list, and cannabis laws and attitudes can differ across Asian countries. It’s crucial to respect and abide by the laws of the country you are in to avoid legal troubles and ensure your safety.

If you are interested in cannabis consumption while in Asia, it’s advisable to thoroughly research the specific laws and regulations of the country you are in or plan to visit, as well as understanding the potential risks and penalties associated with cannabis-related activities.

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